Friday, July 15, 2011

June Workshop

Because I have never quilted, Priscilla has been our teacher and advisor the past three and a half years.  But Priscilla has not been able to come to Cambodia for awhile, so she mentored me to teach the ladies.  This past month we had a one week workshop where we tried some radically new designs that required input.  They were more work than just looking in a book and figuring out how to make them.  Here are some photos from our week:

Learning to make a "kaleidoscope" quilt

This was great for using lots of scraps of fabrics that we had.

Do you see the pile of dirt just outside the door?  The dirt road into Sompovloun is in the process of being paved.  Huge mounds of dirt are everywhere as they dig the road.  Can you imagine trying to make quilts with the wind blowing in dirt constantly?  What a challenge.  These ladies are amazing.

Here are the final quilt tops.  Aren't they pretty?

....and then we worked on learning the "lone star"  

Here is Rein's star that she will make into a quilt this month.

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